PeriodCirca 1860
Place MadeManasquan, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Dimensions84.5 × 84.5 in. (214.6 × 214.6 cm)
InscribedRow 1: Miss J. Kneiskem [Kneiskern]/Perrineville NJ; Miss [illeg] Bailey/Squan Village NJ; Mr. Wm. H. [illeg]/Squan Village NJ; Mr. Joseph [Josiah] Wainwright/Squan Village NJ; Miss R. J. Hunsinger/Squan Village NJ.
Row 2: Mr. Monroe Van Note/Squan Village NJ; Mrs. Mary A. Tilton [illeg]ville NJ; Mr. Robert M. Clark/Point Pleasant NJ; Miss Laura C. [possibly Louisa Carrel] Mount/Squan Village NJ; Mr. E. L. Pierce [Edwin L. Pearce]/Squan Village NJ.
Row 3: Mr. PST [?] Brown/Squan Village, NJ; Mr. Lewis D. Mount/New B[edford?] NJ; Miss J. C. Riddle/Squan Village NJ; Miss Hannah J. Laird/Squan Village NJ; Miss Louisa C. Preen [Perrine]/Squan Village NJ.
Row 4: Mrs. Ann Chadwick/Squan Village NJ; J. D. Morrell/Squan Village, NJ; Miss Pellie [?] Winant/Staten Island NY; Mrs. Martha Skellington, Miss Adeline [illeg]/Squan Village, NJ
Row 5: Keep thy Heart with all diligence/for out of it are the issues of life/Rev. IV chapt 7 3 ver/Susan Patterson/West Farms; Mr. George Rivers [?]/Point Pleasant, Mr. Asher P. Curtis/Squan Village; George F. Brown/Squan Village; Miss Catherine [illeg]/Squan Village NJ.
ClassificationsQuilts and Coverlets
Credit LineMuseum Purchase, 1967
Object numberT1974.9
DescriptionAn unfinished quilt top consisting of twenty five hand pieced and hand appliqued blocks set five by five, with a narrow solid red piping line between each block. The blocks include stuffed work embellishments, with red, green, teal, and yellow predominating. Block designs include Oak Leaf and Reel, Flower Wreath, Fleur de Lis, Flower Basket, Hearts, along with an American Flag and Star, Lyre, Dove and Branch, and other motifs. Each block is signed, with twenty three in ink and two in embroidered red cotton. See Inscriptions for all names and towns.NotesResearch on this quilt appears to indicate its origin in the Squan Village/Manalapan area of Monmouth County. It is most likely somehow connected to the Presbyterian Church of Squan Village, New Jersey. The surviving Session Book records, carefully and extensively compiled by Joseph F. and Miriam S. Bryan of the Monmouth County Genealogy Club, includes virtually all of the surnames appearing on the quilt. At least one of the women (Susan Patterson) attended the Freehold Young Ladies Seminary in 1857. Quilts of this nature were often designed, constructed, and completed by women of a particular congregation for fundraising or to present to a departing minister. A good deal of time, effort, and creativity went into making each block. Many showcase fine applique techniques as well as challenging "stuffed work," where small portions of a design are slit from the back and padded with wool or cotton batting to produce a three-dimensional, sculptural effect. Why the quilt was never finished remains a mystery.